
  • 24.05.2024, 15:00
    Swiss project helped to enhance over 100 local services in Kyrgyzstan... Read more...
  • 26.12.2023, 09:58
    Happy New Year wishes to all of you!...
  • 27.10.2023, 17:05
    What prevents municipal employees and deputies of local keneshes in Kyrgyzstan from improving their ... Read more...
  • 26.10.2023, 09:57
    Coalition “For the Development of LSG in the Kyrgyz Republic”: “The state and local government will ... Read more...
  • 28.09.2023, 09:50
    The draft model provision on conducting joint monitoring and evaluation of the activities of local s... Read more...
  • 25.09.2023, 09:50
    "Yntymak Week": NGOs help local authorities in their peacebuilding efforts... Read more...


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