Public Service Improvement Project (SDC, 2015-2023)

11.08.2015 14:00

Project Manager from DPI: Asel Mambetova, +996 312 214572, +996 777 32 39 50,

Public Service Improvement project (further the Project) is funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by a consortium of  HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and the Development Policy Institute.

The main objective of the Project is to contribute to improving the quality and access to services provided by municipalities for their population by introducing systemic changes at the local level.

The first phase of the project is designed for 4 years, launched in May 2015 and has been implemented in the two regions (Issyk-Kul and Jalal-Abad). The project assumes two-level realization scheme. It is planned to cover up to 60 municipalities (not more than 30 in each region), selected based on competition.

The first stage (2015-2018) will cover 14 municipalities, where methods and tools of project realization will be piloted and tested.

The second stage (2018-2023) includes working in 46 rural municipalities and towns of target regions, where the methods and mechanisms for the provision of services tested in the first stage will be introduced.

Expected results at the local level:

  • Local self-government (LSG) bodies will be able to improve the quality of providing services by improved planning, management, effective interaction with service providers and other partners.
  • Management capacity of service providers improved
  • Population is involved in identifying, executing and monitoring of services on the ground
  • The local services registry is formed and approved
  • Service improvement action plan (SIAP) is developed

The main types of activity of the Project at the local level:

  • Information campaigns and public hearings
  • Analysis of the situation
  • Training, capacity development
  • Consulting and coaching (mentoring)
  • Support  in developing the local services registry
  • Grant program of supporting the development and realization of SIAP
  • Strengthening cooperation of LSG bodies with national level (GAMSUMO, the LSG Union)

Selection process of municipalities at the first stage (14 municipalities)

At the first stage, pilot municipalities that previously participated in “Strengthening Voice and Accountability of Citizens and Oversight of Budget Process in the Kyrgyz Republic Project” (VAP)” project were invited to participate in the PSI project in order to ensure program continuation and synergy of the projects.  The Development Policy Institute implements the VAP project.  The selection of 14 pilot municipalities, for the project implementation in 2015, was based on the following criteria:

  1. Confirmed willingness of municipalities to participate in the Project with corresponding commitments
  2. Budget capacity not lower than 60% (in accordance with the official statistics of the KR Ministry of Finance)
  3. Positive references of VAP project on participation of municipalities in the project.

Pilot aiyl aimaks in 2015:

Issyk-Kul region

Jalal-Abad region

  1. Bosteri AA , Issyk-Kul region
  2. Kum-Bel AA , Issyk-Kul district
  3. Lipenka AA, Djeti-Oguz district
  4. Djeti-Oguz AA, Djeti-Oguz district
  5. Ak-Chiy AA, Ak-Suu district
  6. Mambetov AA, Ton district
  7. Ulahol AA, Ton distric
  1. Kok-Tash AA, Ala-Buka district
  2. Ala-Buka AA, Ala-Buka district
  3. Sumsar AA Chatkal district
  4. Masy AA, Nooken district
  5. Sakaldy AA, Nooken district
  6. Bagysh AA, Suzak district
  7. Lenin AA, Suzak district

Grant System

Project will use two-level grants mechanism with different sums, but with fixed maximum sums.  In addition, the grant system involves an element of competition to stimulate application of good governance principles and using cost-efficient, innovative, and sustainable decisions for providing services.

The municipalities will receive grants for preparation and realization of Service Improvement Action Plans (SIAP). Through this mechanism, all municipalities will have at least one fully prepared SIAP at the end of the project stage. The prepared municipal SIAPs that fulfill criteria will qualify for the second level/bigger amount grant in order to implement the plan.

The Project’s Grant mechanism features a unique system of responsibility of local self-government bodies. It pilots a practice of municipalities taking over the tasks of organization and logistics of project activities realized at the local level.

Second stage of project realization (up to 46 municipalities)

In 2018, the Project conducted a selection process of municipalities taking part in the second stage of project implementation in Issyk-Kul and Jalal-Abad regions. It is proposed to select up to 23 rural municipalities and towns from each region based on criteria ensuring  effective achieving of project objectives.

Information about organizations

Activities of the Government of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic

Based on the Strategy of Swiss regional cooperation in Central Asia (2012-2015) Switzerland continues to support Kyrgyzstan in its economic, social and political transformations. The general task - to support the transition process in Kyrgyzstan by promoting public and private institutions at all levels in the process of equitable and effective delivery of quality service in three areas - health care, public sector reform and infrastructure as well as development of the private sector.

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is a Swiss non-governmental development organization with a mission to help disadvantaged people and communities in developing countries by actively improving their living conditions.

Development Policy Institute is a Kyrgyz noncommercial, nongovernmental organization. The mission of the DPI is to assist local communities and governments in the implementation of human rights and opportunities to live in dignity.



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