DPI organized trainings for the staff of mentor Aiyl Okmotus

31.05.2011 00:00
From 22 - 26 May experts and consultants DPI with the mentors began the process of conducting training in mentor’s 30 AO on component "Improving management of municipal property".

From 22 - 26 May experts and consultants DPI with the mentors began the process of conducting training in mentor’s 30 AO on component "Improving management of municipal property".

These activities are organized under the OSCE project "Strengthening capacity of local authorities in Batken, Jalal-Abad and Osh regions in order to reduce the potential for conflict through effective resource management".

Trainings were held in 3 rural municipalities of: Batken oblast - Karabak AO, Jalal-Abad oblast - Atabekov AO and Osh oblast - Kerme -Too AO. All three events were attended by 15-16 representatives of AO: head, the deputy head, the Chairman of Local Council, Executive Secretary, surveyors, tax specialists, community representatives and other. Training topics were very interesting to participants, and the one-day training was not enough for a full discussion of the issues and the accumulated problems in the management of municipal property in the villages. To the extent possible, the DPI experts were able to answer all the questions sounded, which is almost the same in all rural municipalities. In addition, the project includes not only the theory in the form of training, but also practical skills in this area that have been set specific tasks for AO with indication of the executor and set deadlines. At the first stage of the project the pilot mentor of AO are required followings:

- Make an inventory and inventory of all municipal property;

- To develop a list municipal property and to inform the public;

- Develop a classification of objects of municipal property and approve at Kenesh;

- To develop local regulations and approved at Kenesh.